Farhat's Muslim Sticker Blog
Discussion and advice for parents and teachers…-
July 17th, 2012Free Learning Resources, Ramadhan ResourcesTags: ramadan, ramadan 2012
July 17th, 2012Articles, Free Learning Resources, Ramadhan Resources
Why do Muslims Fast ?
The fourth pillar of Islam is known as Sawm, or fasting . During the month of Ramadan, which is the ninth of the Islamic lunar calendar, every Muslim who meets certain requirements is required to fast from dawn until dusk.The act of fasting is both unique and yet a shared experience in human history. From the very beginning of time, humans have been involved with the great struggle to master their bodies and emotions. The urge to eat is one of the most powerful motivations anyone must face. Many have fail and over-eat or consume unhealthy foods.
Anyone who has ever sought to come closer to their spiritual self has had to overcome their body’s desire for satisfaction. Hence, the history of fasting goes way back in human history. Previous Prophets have enjoined fasting upon their peoples and untold numbers of wise men and women have made self-denial a part of their life.
When a person denies something to their own body which it craves, they are elevating their mind and showing that, unlike animals, their reason and will is stronger than their basic urges and passions. In this way our thinking becomes clearer and we learn that we are, indeed, not governed by our instincts. We gain greater awareness of ourselves and hence are able to bring ourselves closer to Allah.
We can only become the “the best of creation” (95:4) when we rise above our desires and recognize the power of our belief in Allah.. As Allah declared, “You who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you so you can be aware of Allah (gain Taqwa). (2:183)
When the new crescent moon (Hilal) is sighted signalling the beginning of Ramadan on the next day, Prophet Muhammad (saw) taught us to say: “Allah is Greater, Allah is Greater, Allah is Greater. Praise be to Allah Who created me and you and Who decreed for you the phase (of moon) and made you a sign for the universe.”
Now imagine waking up, long before the first light of the sun has risen over the darkened sky, and taking a small meal, called Sahoor. When the hint of light approaches, the meal is finished and you pray the morning prayer with great clarity of mind and thought. You make your intention to fast that day for Allah’s sake and then either return to bed for a few hours sleep or stay up and read Allah’s words from the Quran. Then you prepare to face the day. The dua for making intention to fast is “Wa be saumee ghadin nawaytu min shahri Ramadan” – The next day’s fasting I intend for the month of Ramadan.
During the daylight hours, a fasting person abstains from all food, liquids, smoking and nutritionally- related medicine or any non-essential oral medicine. In addition, all normally undesirable behaviour is especially frowned upon. No fighting, swearing, arguing, lying or other sins are to be indulged in. Of course a Muslim must naturally avoid such sins anyway, but sometimes people fall into error. Fasting for a month from these actions helps us correct ourselves. The Blessed Messenger of Allah once said, “Five things break a person’s fast: Lying backbiting, spreading rumours, false testimony and a lustful gaze.”
Ramadan : The Month of Training
The month of Ramadan provides us with a sort of spiritual and moral ‘Boot Camp’. We know that fasting in Ramadan is a duty from Allah and we learn that any sins may spoil our record of fasting with Allah so we take great pains to be on our best behaviour. This intense modification of our habits is designed to help us avoid such sins throughout the rest of the year. The Prophet (saw) once remarked, “Whoever doesn’t give up lying and acting on lies during fasting, then Allah has no need of him giving up food and drink.”
On another occasion he warned, “There are many people who get nothing from fasting except hunger and thirst.” Clearly the moral dimension is as important as the physical aspects of fasting.The Prophet (saw) also said “Fasting is a shield. So, the person observing fasting….should not behave foolishly and rudely, and if somebody fights with them or abuses them, they should tell them twice, ‘I am fasting.” (Bukhari)
The Prophet (saw) added, “By Him in Whose Hands is my soul, the breath from the mouth of a fasting person is better in the sight of Allah than the smell of musk.( Allah says about the fasting person), He has left his food, drink and desires for My sake. The fast is for Me. So I will reward (the fasting person) for it and the reward of good deeds is multiplied ten times.” (Bukhari)
Ramadan has such a wondrous impact on our morals and behaviour that it has been described as the month of forgiveness. The Prophet (saw) once declared, “During the month of Ramadan, the gates of Paradise are open, the gates of Hell-fire are closed and the Shaytans are chained.” (Bukhari)
Ramadan is blessed for another reason. It marks the first month when Allah began revealing His Messaage to Prophet Muhammad (saw). Layalat ul Qadr is the exact night when the Quranic revelation started to be revealed. Many Muslims stay up all night seeking their Lord’s forgiveness and guidance. Also during the last ten days some Muslims perform Itikaf, or Retreat. This consists of living in the prayer area of the Masjid for up to ten days. They spend their time in prayer, reading, study circles and making dua.
The Lessons of fasting
Tags: ramadan, ramadan 2012
The lessons learned during Ramadan are many.
1. We learn self-control and clear our minds and thoughts for serious remembrance of Allah.
2. We understand how dependent we are on the food and water that is provided to us by Allah.
3. We learn what it means to be part of one global ummah, united by our fasting.
4. We recognize what it means to be hungry and how we must help our fellow Muslims who are hungry every month of the year.
5. We restrain our anger and we train our habits towards prayer, forgiveness, self-sacrifice and good behaviour. -
July 15th, 2012Parenting, Ramadhan ResourcesTags: ramadan 2012, ramadan books
July 14th, 2012Eid party ware/ Eid decorations, Ramadhan Resources
Colourful ramadan decorations to use in iftar parties. We also have ramadan charts and eid decorations and eid balloons.
Tags: ramadan 2012, ramadan decoration, ramadan decorations -
March 25th, 2012Free Learning Resources
This is a quick personality quiz that you can get your child to do. The purpose of it is to get your child to reflect on their personality and behaviour. Encourage them to be honest and not just give the answer they think you want them to give. Go through the answers with your child and raise points that would help your child to improve their behaviour or explain why they chose that answer, also discuss the hadith together. You can extend this activity by creating your own quiz, focussing on areas your child needs to improve on, use other hadith which will help your child understand how they should behave. It is so important to discuss good and bad behaviour with your child but do not get angry with your child and even give examples from your own childhood where you did something wrong but now as an adult you regret it because you know thats not how a good muslim should act.
March 16th, 2012Free Learning Resources
This is a simple colouring page for young children that tellls them about Spring time and Allah’s creation.
Tags: free learning resource, Free Resource, Muslim Stickers, Spring
Designed by my daughter Rahma. -
March 16th, 2012Free Learning Resources
Tags: free learning resource, salah, wudu
Free Learning Resource
This is a page from our salah and wudu colouring book. Suitable for ages 5- 7 yrs. -
March 12th, 2012Free Learning Resources
Tags: A-Z colouring book of Islam, This is a page from our A-Z colouring book of Islam, it is suitable for 3-5 year olds. I nice way to discuss how Allah (swt) has created the things they can see around them. They can then draw some of their own pictures and you can label them for them.
Print the image in landscape layout. -
December 13th, 2011Articles, Free Learning Resources, Parenting
We don’t celebrate Christmas !
Santa, tinsel, glowing snowmen and the sound of piped carols, wherever you are in the world, there is no getting away from Christmas. As ‘the season to be jolly’ approaches songs, films, cards and plays will all be depicting only one version of the birth of Jesus (Isa) and that will be the Christian one. We all know that the religious element of Christmas has been pushed aside by the new holy trinity - wealth, consumption and celebrities and that the worship of these 3 false gods takes place devoutly in shopping centres globally, especially during the season of good will. So, is it a problem if Muslims take part in the festivities after all it’s no longer really a Christian festival?
Like all Muslim kids who attended a non-muslim state school I was told the feel-good story about Jesus (Isa) the ‘Son of God’, being born to Mary (Maryam) who was married to Joseph the carpenter. Three wise men followed a star and found baby Jesus lying in a manger and gave him gold, frankincense and myrrh. The shepherds and the lambs all came to have a look and then they all lived happily ever after… The End. To further cement this idea in my impressionable mind I was taught catchy carols - whose words I can still remember -with great enthusiasm, I played a leading role in the nativity and spent my pocket money on Christmas cards and presents for my Muslim, Sikh and Hindu friends. During the Christmas holidays the brainwashing continued with reruns of every Christmas film and cartoon under the sun.
Although I had been completely indoctrinated at school the only thing that stopped me from believing the fairytale were my parents. They sat me down and explained that Isa (as) was a prophet of Islam and that “We don’t believe in what the Christians believe”, I wasn’t given a lot of detail but alhumdulilah, what they said stuck in my head. They also forbade me from attending Christmas parties as a teenager and we never celebrated Christmas at home. Having said that, I knew of countless Muslim families who didn’t see the harm in celebrating Christmas, they didn’t want their kids to feel left out and they didn’t realize that they were teaching their kids -you do not have to follow Islam all the time, you can pick and choose – But, what is the natural conclusion of teaching a young child that? It starts with a Christmas party, then, as they become teenagers a New Years Party where there is alcohol, then down to a nightclub and finally you have a Muslim who no longer cares about what is halal and which actions are haram.So, how are we going to equip our kids to deal with the confusion that will occur during the Christmas period, how do we explain to them that “We don’t celebrate Christmas”. Well, to begin with we teach them the truth, the truth is simple it doesn’t need bells and tinsels wrapped around it, the truth stands out clearly from falsehood, we teach our kids the correct Quranic view of Isa (as) birth. There are many lessons to be learnt from the life of Isa (as) and his mother Maryam (as) and the crystal clear message of tawhid, which he propagated even as a mere infant.
We first need to delve into the life of Isa (as) pious grandmother. Maryam’s mother was a widow from the family of Imran, who were descendents of prophet Harun (as). She was born after her devout mother made dua to Allah.
“My Lord I dedicate to you [the child] that is in my womb, to be devoted to your service. Accept it, then, from me because, You hear, and know everything!” (3: 35)
Maryam’s mother had thought she would have a boy who would be able to grow up and become a rabbi. Only men could be rabbis women were not allowed to touch the holy books or even go to the temples because they were thought to be unclean. After Maryam was born her mother said,
“A male child is not the same as a female child at all. So I will name her Maryam and place her and her children in Your protection from the cursed shaytan.” (3: 36)
She had full faith in Allah that He would protect and guide her daughter, which Allah did. Prophet Zakariyya financially supported Maryam and her mother even though he was poor. He also taught Maryam religious lessons that no one else would. Zakariyya was a true follower of Allah and didn’t discriminate based on gender. He realized Maryam was blessed after food would appear miraculously in her study chamber. He would ask her where the food came from and she would reply,
“It is from Allah, for He provides sustenance to whomever He wills without end.” (3: 37)
Maryam grew up to be a steadfast believer in Allah however, the people around her knew very little of the truth and instead practiced all kinds of superstitions and cultural practices. The teachings of Prophet Musa (as) were being hopelessly twisted and the rabbis were making up their own laws and fighting over meaningless issues. Allah sent her this message,
“Maryam! Allah has chosen you and made you pure. You are chosen above the women of all nations. Maryam! Serve your Lord devoutly, bow down (in prayer) with those who bow.” (3:34-43)
Relate in the book (the story of) Maryam when she left her people and traveled to a place in the East. She built a shelter to screen herself from passing (people). Then We, (Allah) sent Our Angel to her and he seemed to her like a man in all respects. She cried out, “I ask the protection of the Merciful from you (Stay away) if you fear Allah.” (19: 16-18)
Maryam wanted to be alone and when she saw a man approaching her tent she was alarmed. Note how she called on Allah’s name to ward the stranger off. Little did she realize who the stranger was! (The angel) announced,
“No. I am only a messenger from your Lord to you (to inform you about) the gift of a pure son. (19:19) His name will be Isa, (Jesus) the Masih, son of Maryam. He will speak to people in childhood and manhood and will be one of the righteous.” (3:45-46)
She asked, “My Lord how can I have a son when no man has ever touched me?”
The angel replied, “So it will be. Your Lord says, ‘It is easy for Me to make him a sign for humanity and a mercy from Us. It is decided.” (19:21) Even so, Allah creates what He wills. When He decides a matter, He only says to it, ‘Be’ and it is (3:47)You can imagine Maryam’s surprise at his momentous news. Allah chose her! She would have a son who would be a sign from Allah! Before departing, the angel informed her that her son’s mission would be to call the Bani Israil back to true faith, the very thing she hoped and dreamed of! By the will of Allah, Maryam would soon become a mother, before long she began to show that she was pregnant. Before anyone could question her about it, she packed up her few belongings and retreated into a more remote and secluded place.
And the pains of childbirth drove her to the trunk of a palm tree. She cried out in her anguish), Oh! If only I died before this! If only I was no more – gone!”
But (a voice) cried to her from beneath the (palm-free): “Grieve not! For your Lord has provided a trickle of water below you. If you shake the trunk of this palm-tree, it will drop fresh ripe dates in your lap. So eat, drink and refresh yourself. If you see anyone, tell him: `I have vowed a fast to Rahman (Allah), so I will not speak to anyone today’.” (19:23-26)Then she brought him (the baby) to her people, carrying him. They said:
“0 Maryam! Indeed you have brought a thing Fariyya (an unheard mighty thing). 0 sister (i.e. the like) of Aaron (not the brother of Moses, but he was another pious man at the time of Mary)! Your father was not a man who used to commit adultery, nor was your mother an unchaste woman.” (19:27-28)Then she pointed to him. They said: “How can we talk to one who is a child in the cradle?” (19:29)
Then something miraculous happened, baby Isa spoke: “Verily! I am a slave of Allah. He has given me the Scripture and made me a Prophet; And He has made me blessed wherever I am, and has enjoined on me prayer, and Zakat, as long as I live, and be dutiful to my mother, and made me not arrogant, and Salam (peace) be upon me the day I was born, and the day I die, and the day I shall be raised alive!” (19: 30-33)
Tags: can muslims celebrate christmas, christmas is shirk, Isa (as) and christmas, isa and christmas, isa in the quran, jesus in the quran, jesus was a muslim, muslims and christmas, the true story of christmas, what do muslims believe about christmas -
June 6th, 2011Ramadhan Resources
May 30th, 2011Free Learning Resources, Fun Activities, Parenting
I was doing some research for a radio show this week and I thought it would be nice to share some of the hadith I found, inshallah i will be explaining some of these hadith and ayah to my kids in the weekly family circle. I want them to understand that it is our responsibility to teach them and guide them as parents and we will be accountable if we don’t.
Narrated by Abu Hurairah & collected in Saheeh al-Bukhari (english trans.) vol.1, p.356, no.629 & Saheeh Muslim (english trans.) vol.2, p.493, no.2248
There are seven whom Allaah will shade in His Shade on the Day when there is no shade except His Shade:
1.a just ruler;
2.a youth who grew up in the worship of Allaah,
3.the Mighty and Majestic; a man whose heart is attached to the mosques;
4.two men who love each other for Allaah’s sake, meeting for that and parting upon that;
5.a man who is called by a woman of beauty and position to commit a haram action, but be says: ‘I fear Allaah’,
6.a man who gives in charity and hides it, such that his left hand does not know what his right hand gives in charity;
7.and a man who remembered Allaah in private and so his eyes shed tears.’
“O you who believe! Ward off yourselves and your families against a Fire (Hell) whose fuel is men and stones, over which are (appointed) angels stern (and) severe, who disobey not, (from executing) the Commands they receive from Allaah, but do that which they are commanded”
[al-Tahreem 66:6]
Ibn ‘Umar that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Each of you is a shepherd and each of you is responsible for his flock. The ruler is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock; the man is the shepherd of his family members and is responsible for them; the woman is the shepherd of her husband’s house and children and is responsible for them; the slave is the shepherd of his master’s wealth and is responsible for it. Each of you is a shepherd and each of you is responsible for his flock.”
Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 853; Muslim, 1829.
It was narrated that Ma’qal ibn Yassaar said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “There is no person whom Allaah appoints in charge of some flock and he is not sincere towards them, but he will not smell the fragrance of Paradise.”
Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 6731; Muslim, 142.
Tags: pareneting, parents -
May 28th, 2011Eid party ware/ Eid decorations, Free Learning Resources, Fun Activities, Parenting
My daughter made these cards today using our eid stickers inshallah I hope they inspire your kids to make their own home made cards
Tags: eid cards, eid stickers, handmade eid cards -
May 15th, 2011Free Learning Resources, Parenting
The ultimate pre-inked reward stamp. Crescent design- colour green. No need for an ink pad Stamp image size: 19 x 19mm
Tags: motivational reward, teachers reward -
May 15th, 2011Free Learning Resources
The ultimate pre-inked reward stamp. Star design- colour red No need for an ink pad Stamp image size: 19 x 19mm
Tags: pre inked stamps, reward, teachers resources -
June 28th, 2009Ramadhan Resources
O you who believe! Fasting has been ordained on you as it was ordained for those before you so that you may remain conscious of Allah(2;183)
Every act of the son of adam is for himself except fasting: it is for Me and I shall reward it.
“Indeed, We have indeed revealed this (Message) in the Night of Power. And what will explain to thee what the night of power is? The Night of Power is better than a thousand months.” Qur’an (97:1-3)
There is a gate in Paradise called Ar Raiyan and those who observe fasting will enter through it on the Day of Resurrection, none but them should enter through it. (Bukhari)
When the month of Ramadhan comes, the gates of heaven are open and the gates of hell are closed and the devils are chained. (Bukari)
“Ramadhan is the (month) in which the Qur’an was sent down, as a guide to mankind, also clear (Signs) for guidance and judgment (Between right and wrong). So every one of you who is present (at his home) during that month should spend it in fasting…” Qur’an (2:185).
Tags: ramadan -
June 28th, 2009Ramadhan Resources
Ramadan and Quran
Its significance in Ramadan:
“Ramadhan is the (month) in which the Qur’an was sent down, as a guide to mankind, also clear (Signs) for guidance and judgment (Between right and wrong). So every one of you who is present (at his home) during that month should spend it in fasting…” Qur’an (2:185).
“Shahru ramadaana llethi unzila feehil quraana huda linnaasi wa bayyinaatin minal hudaa wal furqaan. Fa man shahida minkumu shahra fal yasumhu”
This Qur’anic verse explains the inseparable link between the Qur’an and the month of Ramadan. The revelation of the Qur’an to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) began in this month. Some scholars have explained that the word ‘so’ (fa) in this ayah leads to the following paraphrase of one aspect of its meaning: “Fast this month because it is the one in which the Qur’an was sent down”. The night in which the Qur’an was revealed is known as The Night of Power or The Night of Destiny. This night is referred to by the Qur’an in the following verses:
“Indeed, We have indeed revealed this (Message) in the Night of Power. And what will explain to thee what the night of power is? The Night of Power is better than a thousand months.” Qur’an (97:1-3)
Some Key facts on the Qur’an:
Revelation It was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon Him) over a period of 23 years. No. of Chapters (Surah) 114 Revealed in Makkah 86 Revealed in Madinah 28 Total number of verses 6239 Longest chapter (Surah) Chapter 2 (Suratul Baqarah): 286 verses Shortest chapter Chapter 108 (Suratul Kawthar) 3 verses Given the importance attached to this night, Muslims are expected to exert themselves in worship in it. It is a time for especially fervent and devoted prayer, and the rewards and blessings associated with such are manifold. Muslims are told in the Qur’an that praying throughout this one night is better than a thousand months of prayer. No one knows exactly which night it is; it is one of God’s mysteries. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) instructed Muslims to search for this Night of Power during the odd nights of the last ten days of Ramadan without specifying any day. However, due to the sayings of some of his companions, many scholars believe it to be on the 27th day. During this night it is highly meritorious to spend as much time as possible in prayer, seeking forgiveness and supplicating to God Almighty
Another traditional link between the Qur’an and Ramadan is that it is highly meritorious to complete reciting the Qur’an in the holy month of Ramadan. The word ‘Qur’an’ in Arabic comes from the root word ‘qa ra a’ which means to recite. Hence it literally means ‘recitation’ or ‘proclamation’. It is believed that it was recited to the Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) by the Archangel Gabriel (Jibreel, alayhi salaam) over a period of twenty three years. Muslims are encouraged to read the Qur’an regularly and more so in the holy month of Ramadan. The Prophet (peace be upon him) used to recite the whole Qur’an to the Archangel Gabriel (Jibreel, alayhi salaam) once every Ramadan and twice in the year in which He died. Muslim scholars over the centuries have been known to leave other optional acts of worship in order to focus on reciting the Qur’an in the blessed month of Ramadan. Hence many Muslims emulate this practice by completing the recitation of the whole Qur’an at least once in the month of Ramadan - especially during the night (taraweeh) prayers.
June 28th, 2009Fun Activities, Ramadhan Resources
Ramadhan quiz
When do muslims begin fasting?
Why do Muslims fast?
How many days are there in Ramadhan? ___________________________________
What part of the day do Muslims fast for? __________________________________
What is the Arabic word for fast? _________________________________________
What is suhoor? ______________________________________________________
What should you break your fast with? _____________________________________________________
What is the reward of a good deed in Ramadhan? _____________________________________________________
What is the Arabic name for the Night of Power? ____________________________
Give two reasons why the Night of Power is special?
Name 4 things which you should do in Ramadhan to gain Allah’s pleasure?
June 28th, 2009Ramadhan Resources
More ideas for teachers and parents
June 28th, 2009Fun Activities, Parenting, Ramadhan Resources
Ramadhan Activities
To help the children understand and gain as much reward as possible during ramadhan here is a list of projects that parents or teachers can do in their Islamic studies and art lessons.
1. “Why I love Ramadhan”.
Write a short piece on “Why I love Ramadhan”. The work sheet is on the blog.
2. Ramadhan book
Each child will have a book that they can put their work in during the weeks. You will need to have this prepared before hand.
3. Ramadhan Display
Every class/child can produce a colourful display for their bedroom/classroom. The display should include written work and pictures produced by the children.
4. Art lessons
Art lessons/time are to be used for Ramadhan art projects.
5. Ramadhan Class/family Presentation
Prepare Ramadhan presentations to be shown at assembly time/tea time. You can choose age appropriate topics .
6. Preparation for Eid
Kids should make cards and a gift for their parents. Set a date for eid party make invitations, list of games,decorations and a menu. Kids can help prepare the food, keep it as healthy as possible.
Tags: activities -
June 28th, 2009Fun Activities, Ramadhan Resources
Worsheet for kids to write their thoughts on why they love ramadhan. Can be used at the beginning of ramadhan to get kids to reflect on the meaning of ramadhan.
Tags: activities -
June 27th, 2009Free Learning Resources, Parenting
Applying Consequences and Encouraging Responsibility
This table shows ways of allowing children to learn from the consequences of their actions.
Problem Usual Method of Discipline Using Consequences Effect Child not getting up in the morning when called. Shout, keep reminding, coax Call only once or give older child alarm clock and allow to be late for school or do without breakfast, (if necessary). During school holidays, decide together on breakfast time and encourage kids to make their own breakfast Child will begin to take responsibility for self in the mornings. Child continually forgets things. Remind, nag, scold Let child experience consequences of forgetting lunch, schoolbooks etc. Encourage child to keep a notepad where they can write themselves a reminder for each day. Child takes responsibility for remembering. Teenage daughter wants to be fashionable, wear make-up, try new hair styles. Parent buys child’s clothes, decides hairstyles with little discusson. As parents it is our responsibility to be good examples to our children and spend time explaining how they should follow islam in their daily actions. Before your daughter reaches the age of puberty it is essential that you explain to her that it is fard to wear hijab. Explain to your daughter that she can be fashionable, wear make-up, and experiment with hairstyles at home but not when she goes out. The limits regarding keeping her awrah covered in the home need to also be observed. Allow her a greater say in choosing her clothes and buying jewellery. Also let her invite her friends over for a girl’s only nights.
Daughter doesn’t feel that Islam is restrictive and that she can have fun in her home and with her friends. Teenage son wants to wear ‘gangster’ style clothes get ears pierced, wear jewellery. Parent and child argue. Speak to your son about his reasons for wanting to look like ‘a gangster’ Who is he trying to emulate and why? Who are his role models? Explain to your son the importance of not following un-islamic personalities. We should not have one rule for our daughters and another for our sons. Men are not allowed to imitate women so do not let him pierce his ears. Allow him to choose his clothes but he should not buy clothes that are tight fitting, shorts that are above his knees or have any unislamic images or slogans. Son will see that you do listen to his views and allow him to make decisions. However he must always follow the Islamic rules related to clothing when he makes his choices. Child doesn’t brush teeth Remind, scold, force Offer choice between brushing teeth and giving up sweet things. It might seem a bit harsh but show your child some pictures of decaying teeth fillings. Unfortunately your child might only learn the hard way i.e. after they have had a filling.
Child brushes teeth and sees link with dental decay. You could put brushing their teeth as a target on their behaviour chart. Chores being ignored Remind, nag, or parent does chore for child. Agree on family chores together, Establish clearly the consequences for not doing chores, e.g. no TV if room is not tidy, no desert if table is not cleared. Children learn to contribute to smooth running of the home. Another target for their chart. Bedtimes being ignored Remind, nag, punish Agree together on a bedtime. If ignored, set an earlier bedtime then try again. Once they listen return back to later time. Child begins to take responsibility for own bedtime. Quran class homework not being done. Shout, lecture Take an interest in their homework; it is your responsibility to ensure your child learns to read quran so spend time listening to them read and help them patiently. Use a translation/tafsir of the quran to explain the meaning of what they are reading. Child feels supported and understands what they are reading. Their relationship with you also develops. Child refuses to eat dinner. Shout, or give alternative food. Child is given the choice of eating the food made or being hungry. Do not give alternative food or allow to snack until next mealtime. Child will realise they cannot get their own way by being fussy and will be content with what they are given. -
June 27th, 2009Free Learning Resources
Sample Islamic School behaviour policy
This policy has been written by qualified teachers and was used successfully in an islamic school. You can adapt it to the needs of your school.
June 27th, 2009Ramadhan Resources
Ramadhan Reminder Frame!
Parents have the responsibility of explaining to children the importance of Ramadhan. Fasting is one of the many ways we worship Allah (swt) it also one of the five pillars of Islam. The following activity will help your children understand and remember why we fast.
Things you need:
- Glue
- Scissors
- A4 paper (plain/ coloured)
- Frame to put final picture in and hang in room
- Varity of material for decoration purposes: Glitter, beads, sequins, etc
- Colouring pens/ pencils
- Selection of hadiths and ayahs related to ramadhan
- Islamic pictures from old Eid cards, Islamic calendars, wall pictures, etc
What to do:
- Using a sheet of A4 paper, draw an outline of a mosque or prayer mat.
- Have a selection of simple to understand hadiths/ ayahs related to ramadhan ready, preferably as a photocopied version. Choose a hadith/ ayah which they really like and can remember easily, they can write the ayah/hadith in the centre of the picture they have already drawn out. Or they can cut out and stick the ayah/hadith.
- Cut out the picture from its outline and stick onto a sheet of coloured A4 paper using glue.
- Decorate the final picture using glitter, beads, sequins, etc. Have an A4 sized picture frame ready and after the picture has dried put it into the frame.
- They can put the framed picture in an area of their room where they can see the picture clearly during the month of Ramadhan, helping them to remember what Ramadhan is about and the importance of this month.
- Your child could make a few frames and give them as gifts to their friends at the beginning of Ramadan.